Flex Tickets
Free selection when publishing job offers, events and programmes
With Flex tickets, you decide which portals to publish your ad in when publishing an ad, not when buying tickets. Additionally, you can select from all of our portals and are not restricted to any particular combination. A Flex ticket could be called a "blank" ticket, as it can be used for publication in any of our portals. We offer our Flex ticket as a single-portal ticket (Flex 1) and as a multi-portal ticket (Flex 2, Flex 3, etc.).
Flex tickets differ only in the number that follows their name. This digit defines the number of portals in which an ad can be published. A Flex 1 Ticket means that an ad can be publishing in one of our portals, while a Flex 4 Ticket means an ad can be published in four of our portals.
Flex tickets are available in two colours like every other ticket: blue is the ticket for students (student internships, working students, ... ), and the red ticket can be used to publish ads for graduates or to advertise events and trainee programmes.
Bulk discounts are not available for Flex tickets.